Murder, Mystery and My Family

By Karen Farrington, forewords by Jeremy Dein QC and Sasha Wass QC

No one wants to believe that their mother, sister or daughter is capable of murder. When a woman is charged with a killing, we judge more harshly and punish more severely than when a man does the same.

Murder, Mystery and My Family explores five historical true-crime tales from the BBC series, each with a woman at the heart of the story, from a case of ‘poison panic’ in the 19th century to a post-war murder that gripped the nation. Tales of infidelity and greed, corruption and deceit run throughout – but was justice served for all? Descendants of those convicted revisit each case in search of answers.

With forewords from the TV show’s barristers, Sasha Wass QC and Jeremy Dein QC, Murder, Mystery and My Family is based on extensive research, including original court records and interviews with descendants, and delves deeper into each crime, while also looking at our changing attitudes to women who have found themselves at the centre of our darkest dramas.

Further details about the book are available at Penguin Books UK.

You can find out more about the latest series of Murder, Mystery and My Family on the BBC website.

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