
Tracing gang members – the complicated case of Charles ‘Darby’ Sabini
May 14, 2019
With the Peaky Blinders set to return to our screens later this year, Prof Heather Shore takes a look at the complicated lives of one of the families that has featured in the series, the Sabinis.
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Figuring out the past: crime statistics as social history
March 4, 2019
What can crime statistics tell us about the past? Dr Ashley Borrett examines the interwar crime rates for Hull to find out more.
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WDYTYA? Our Criminal Ancestors in 50 Family History websites to watch in 2019
February 12, 2019
Our Criminal Ancestors features in Who Do You Think You Are? magazine’s 50 websites to watch in 2019.
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Discovering the truth about the lives of Robert Connolly
November 26, 2018
Researcher Eddie Mullan investigates the ‘lives’ of ancestor Robert Connolly, a man who turned out to have a colouful and criminal past.
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Read all about it! Using newspapers in your crime research
September 24, 2018
Dr Ashley Borrett discusses the importance of newspapers when researching the history of crime.
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National Archives: Collaboration between the Archive and Higher Education Sectors
July 13, 2018
Our Criminal Ancestors project is featured as a case study in a recent publication from the National Archives.
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Why I’m a fan of using digital archives
April 11, 2014
A postgraduate student’s research experience by Stephen Basdeo, Leeds Trinity University.
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Our Criminal Past: digitisation, social media and crime history
May 17, 2013
Jo Turner reviews the first of three research networking workshops looking at the preservation and presentation of the criminal past.
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